

The complete guide to event marketing

Event marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to amplify their message, attract new customers, and deepen relationships with existing ones. When executed well, events like meetups, conferences, and webinars can elevate your company’s profile and result in a solid return on investment (ROI). However, the success of these events doesn’t solely hinge on the number of attendees; it’s the quality of interactions and the conversion of participants to leads or sales that truly count. It’s about crafting events that not only draw sign-ups but also drive business by engaging participants in a meaningful way that aligns with the company’s growth objectives.

To achieve these goals, a strategic approach to event promotion is essential. It starts with a deep understanding of your target market, followed by a tailored communication plan that stirs interest and compels action. Throughout the planning process, it’s important to keep your business objectives in focus, ensuring that every aspect of the event is optimized for lead generation and customer retention. In the following guide, we’ll walk through strategies to improve your event marketing efforts and provide examples to inspire your next business event.

What is event marketing?

Event marketing is the strategic process of creating and hosting live events such as conferences, trade shows, and seminars to promote a brand, product, or service, facilitating direct engagement with customers and prospects. Each event consists of its distinct audience, content, and atmosphere, necessitating tailored marketing approaches.

While digital marketing offers numerous effective avenues for promoting products or services, the value of face-to-face interactions remains unparalleled. Event marketing strategies encompass a spectrum of approaches, ranging from conventional conferences and networking events to immersive experiential activations. This diversity allows brands to engage with audiences in meaningful ways, leveraging the unique benefits of in-person engagement to foster connections and drive results.

Why is event marketing important?

A survey of 400 mid- to senior-level marketers found that 41% of respondents value event marketing more than content and email marketing combined. Its appeal lies in its capacity to generate new business opportunities, as evidenced by 95% of marketers who believe in-person events can significantly impact primary business goals. Here are a few key advantages of event marketing:

1. Offers an opportunity for one-on-one customer interaction

Event marketing facilitates direct customer interaction, a rarity in today’s digital-centric business landscape. Engaging customers and prospects at events fosters personal connections, cultivating brand loyalty and humanizing your brand. Furthermore, events offer a respite from daily distractions, allowing for focused attention and increased opportunities for sales or upselling. This personalized approach enhances customer relationships and boosts the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

2. Promotes brand visibility

Event marketing boosts brand visibility since physical events offer a unique opportunity to tangibly connect with your business. By creating exceptional event experiences, attendees are more likely to perceive your brand in a positive light. Furthermore, events stimulate conversations and generate buzz through various channels such as word of mouth, traditional media, and organic social media, amplifying brand exposure.

3. Facilitates product and industry learning

Event marketing can be a platform for product and industry learning, offering valuable educational opportunities. Whether showcasing niche products or demonstrating technical offerings to prospective customers, events provide a conducive environment for in-depth explanations and firsthand experiences. Amidst the bustling business environment, events afford rare moments of sustained attention. Skillful event marketing integrates product promotion into engaging educational experiences, enriching attendees’ understanding. Plus, events foster industry-wide cooperation and collaboration, allowing decision-makers to delve into theoretical and technical aspects, ultimately benefiting the entire industry.

4. Drives sales opportunities

Event marketing drives sales opportunities by integrating product demos, exclusive discounts, and referral schemes into event experiences. Capitalizing on the excitement generated during events, businesses can seamlessly transition to sales, leveraging the enthusiasm of engaged attendees. Additionally, with ticket sales-focused events, there’s potential for profitable ticketing, further augmenting revenue streams.

Types of event marketing

There are several event formats, both offline and online. Here are some of the most common types of event marketing:

1. Online events

Online events use web-based platforms to connect presenters and participants, offering cost-effective and accessible alternatives to in-person gatherings. Webinars, virtual events, and live streaming are among the common formats, facilitating participation from attendees around the world.

2. Seminars and webinars

Seminars and webinars, whether standalone or part of a larger conference, offer intimate networking opportunities centered on lectures and discussions. Roundtables, even smaller in scale, feature experts discussing specific topics. These events are shorter, easier to organize, and provide valuable educational content to participants.

3. Live streaming events

Live streaming events provide direct, real-time engagement with viewers, ranging from simple webcam setups to professional production crews for high-quality broadcasts. Platforms like Livestream, Ustream, and Google Meet offer interactive features such as chat and social media integration.

4. Hybrid events

Hybrid events blend in-person elements with online features, boosting attendance and flexibility while preserving the excitement of physical gatherings. Often incorporating live streaming and virtual participation, they seamlessly integrate virtual and in-person audiences using specialized platforms and technology. Hybrid events extend beyond physical boundaries, connecting diverse groups meeting in person worldwide to form a unified virtual community.

5. Conferences

Conferences, typically organized by a single company and supported and/or sponsored by various brands, occur both online and offline. With 40% of businesses viewing conferences as highly impactful, they offer valuable networking opportunities and educational sessions. While conferences primarily cater to B2B audiences, conventions often target B2C markets. Featuring keynotes, workshops, and seminars, these events serve as essential platforms for industry engagement and knowledge exchange.

6. Tradeshows

Tradeshows and expositions, akin to conferences but with a narrower industry focus, offer prime opportunities for brands to showcase their latest products. These events attract pre-qualified buyers and salespeople, making them ideal for maximizing leads and sales. With a specific industry or product category as the centerpiece, tradeshows provide targeted platforms for networking and business development within a focused professional environment.

Strategies for effective event marketing

To harness the full potential of in-person promotions, understanding the nuances of event marketing is crucial. In this section, we explore strategies for effective event marketing to maximize impact and achieve desired outcomes—whether that’s boosting sales, building brand awareness, or fostering community.

1. Establish clear and achievable objectives

In event marketing, prioritizing clear and achievable objectives is key. Rather than considering ROI retrospectively, it’s crucial to plan for it upfront and maintain ongoing measurements post-event. This proactive approach offers a comprehensive evaluation of financial success. It’s imperative to broaden goals beyond mere registration and attendance metrics, focusing instead on how objectives can positively influence the sales pipeline and overall revenue generation. Here are a few potential event marketing objectives:

  • Increase brand awareness: Expand recognition and visibility of your brand among the target audience.
  • Generate leads: Capture contact information from potential customers interested in your products or services.
  • Drive sales: Convert leads into paying customers or encourage existing customers to make purchases.
  • Foster customer engagement: Encourage interactions and conversations with attendees to build relationships and loyalty.
  • Educate target audience: Provide valuable information or insights to educate attendees about industry trends, products, or services.
  • Establish thought leadership: Position your brand as an authority in your industry by sharing expertise and insights during the event.
  • Cultivate partnerships: Forge connections and collaborations with other businesses or organizations that align with your goals.
  • Gather feedback: Collect insights and feedback from attendees to improve future events and refine marketing strategies.

2. Develop a compelling theme with creativity

Developing a compelling theme involves more than just aesthetics—it’s about conveying the essence and purpose of your event to attendees. Tailor the theme to resonate with your audience, aligning it closely with your brand identity. Incorporate interactive elements and strategic swag giveaways to enhance engagement and leave a lasting impression. Whether in-person or virtual, a well-crafted theme ensures clarity and resonance with attendees.

3. Implement segmented and multi-touch promotion

Implementing segmented and multi-touch promotion is essential for attracting the right attendees to your event. Multi-touch promotion refers to employing multiple channels and touchpoints to engage with potential event attendees at various stages of the marketing cycle. Segmentation involves dividing the target audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors, allowing for tailored marketing efforts.

Prioritize data quality to facilitate future reuse of attendee lists. Maintain an active presence on social networks before, during, and after the event, ensuring appropriate email promotion levels. Real-time engagement on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn fosters attendee interaction and generates anticipation for future events. Implementing segmented and multi-touch promotion ensures targeted outreach and maximizes audience engagement for event success.

4. Personalize communication for attendees

Personalizing communication for attendees involves tailoring specific elevator pitches to appeal directly to each developed persona. Establish a consistent message tailored to address the needs and interests of individual stakeholders, enabling audience segmentation for personalized outreach. Evaluate every social media post, content piece, or email from the recipient’s perspective, focusing on desired outcomes and relevance.

A strong, targeted message increases the likelihood of resonating with recipients amidst the noise and clutter, fostering meaningful engagement and driving desired actions. Effective personalization improves attendee experiences and strengthens event outcomes.

5. Make use of appropriate technology

Utilize appropriate technology to enhance event experiences. Virtual event platforms facilitate interactive gatherings online, enabling seamless participation in trade shows, conferences, and meetings. Choose webinar platforms based on key criteria such as affordability, user-friendliness, and customer support. Employ marketing automation systems to ensure scalability, trackability, and measurability of efforts for efficient event management.

6. Leverage marketing

Several marketing channels can be employed to promote your event. Below are a few important mediums for promoting your event online.

  • Content marketing: Develop a comprehensive content marketing plan that caters to various touchpoints and audience personas. Generate anticipation through diverse content formats such as speaker interviews, sponsored gated content, podcasts, and media outreach.
  • Email marketing: Email marketing remains a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies, endorsed by nearly 78% of event creators. However, its impact transcends single-email efforts, necessitating the construction of a comprehensive flow guiding subscribers through the marketing funnel. Initiate invitation emails to engage existing subscribers and drive event registrations. Leveraging email marketing enables lead nurturing from registration to attendance, amplifying event participation rates.
  • Social media marketing: Social media marketing offers a diverse array of tools to promote events effectively. Strategies range from creating dedicated Facebook event pages to investing in sponsored blog ads.
  • Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing enhances your credibility within targeted audiences. Opting for micro-influencers yields superior results when promoting events, leveraging their expertise and follower base for increased reach and engagement. Speakers at conferences and trade shows can serve as invaluable influencers. Collaborate on co-branded contests or giveaways to build excitement and attract new attendees.
  • Video marketing: Utilize video marketing to captivate audiences and promote your event effectively. Craft concise yet compelling video snippets highlighting event features, speakers, and venues for dissemination across social media, websites, and email campaigns. Additionally, offers on-demand access to event recordings for those unable to attend. Use video testimonials from previous participants to bolster credibility and encourage future engagement.

7. Measure success with emphasis on ROI

Merely achieving high event attendance does not guarantee event success. To accurately gauge the effectiveness of your events, focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect tangible outcomes.

  • Registrations: Compare RSVPs or sign-ups to actual attendance, enabling follow-up with non-attendees.
  • Revenue: Assess event-generated income, including ticket sales or exclusive deals for attendees.
  • Attendee satisfaction: Utilize CSAT surveys and NPS to gauge satisfaction post-event, considering referrals to gauge brand perception.
  • Social media engagement: Monitor event mentions across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Evaluate influencer-sponsored content for engagement and shareability.
  • Lead acquisition and customer conversion: Track growth in lead lists and buyer conversions, highlighting event marketing’s return on investment (ROI).

Successful real-world event marketing examples

Below are examples of successful event marketing, offering inspiration for your promotional endeavors:

Figma Annual Conference

Figma Annual Conference exemplifies a successful blend of thought leadership and networking tailored to its young target audience. A two-day virtual conference focused on design, featuring industry leaders, workshops, and keynotes.

Marketing strategies:

  • Targeted social media campaigns: Utilizing platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to reach designers and design teams.
  • Collaborations with design influencers: Partnering with prominent designers to promote the event and generate excitement.
  • Content marketing: Creating blog posts, articles, and webinars related to the conference themes to educate and engage the audience.
  • Email marketing: Sending targeted emails to Figma users and design communities to promote the event and registration.
  • Interactive website: Creating a dedicated website with detailed information about the speakers, sessions, and registration process.

Key takeaways:

  • Figma leveraged a multi-channel marketing approach to reach a wide audience of designers.
  • Partnering with influencers and creating valuable content helped establish Figma as a thought leader in the design industry.
  • The interactive website provided a seamless user experience and encouraged registrations.

Block by Block annual virtual conference by Notion

The annual conference by Notion stands as a prime example of a hybrid event, serving as a popular note-taking and productivity tool. The event offers a mix of virtual and in-person sessions, featuring talks, workshops, and networking opportunities for Notion users and enthusiasts.

Marketing strategies:

  • Interactive website: Notion created an interactive website for NotionConf, allowing users to explore the event schedule, speaker information, and registration options engagingly.
  • User-generated content campaigns: Notion encouraged its user base to share their experiences and workflows using the #NotionConf hashtag on social media, generating organic buzz and excitement.
  • Strategic partnerships: Notion partnered with relevant brands and communities to reach a wider audience and amplify the event’s reach.

Key learnings:

  • Hybrid events offer the benefits of both in-person and virtual experiences, catering to a wider audience.
  • User-generated content can be a powerful tool for promoting an event and fostering engagement.
  • Strategic partnerships can extend an event’s reach and tap into new audience segments.

DigitalOcean Hacktoberfest (Global Hackathon)

Hacktoberfest is a prominent global event celebrating open source annually. In October, individuals worldwide, spanning diverse expertise and experience levels, unite to contribute their skills toward the upkeep of open source projects.

Marketing strategies:

  • Developer outreach: DigitalOcean actively engaged with developer communities through online forums, meetups, and social media platforms to promote Hacktoberfest.
  • Educational resources: DigitalOcean provided participants with various resources, including tutorials, workshops, and guides, to help them contribute to open-source projects effectively.
  • Incentives and prizes: DigitalOcean offered various incentives and prizes to motivate participation, such as exclusive swag, free cloud credits, and recognition opportunities.

Key takeaways:

  • DigitalOcean focused on building relationships with the developer community and promoting the value of open-source contribution.
  • Engaging content and resources empowered developers to participate effectively.
  • Offering incentives like swag and prizes encouraged participation and created a sense of community.

Build your business with DigitalOcean

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